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Postcard Image Cat No. Ship Name Shipping Company Description Price GBP
Antonia 613740 Antonia Cunard Line A photo postcard by Feilden of Liverpool featuring a nice view of the Antonia. In clean condition to the front with very light corner and edge wear and very light album corner indentations. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse and inked annotation. (VG) £5.49
Antonia 852302 Antonia Cunard Line A company art card featuring the Antonia. Very light corner wear and a tiny knock to the top right corner tip. A couple of extremely light foxing type spots, otherwise minimal marking to the front. Light marking / againg and a few light foxing dots to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Antonia 983503 Antonia Cunard Line A company art card featuring the Antonia with art by Turner. Overprint from Finnish agent to the reverse. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear and very light album corner marks. A very light bend near the bow of the vessel with tiny surface crinkle. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) SOLD!
Antonia 1060303 Antonia Cunard Line A company art card featuring the Antonia at Quebec. Art is by Odin Rosenvinge. Very light corner and edge wear. Clean to the front with a couple of very light surface marks. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG+) £6.99
Antonia 1244702 Antonia Cunard Line A company printed art postcard from the sketch type series with art by Odin Rosenvinge. This one featuring the Antonia. Very light corner and edge wear, with very light album corner impressions. An extremely light surface bend to the bottom edge, left. Otherwise extremely light marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse with a couple of tiny foxing spots. (VG) SOLD!
Antonia 1186601 Antonia Cunard Line A photo postcard probably by Feilden of Liverpool, but not marked as such, featuring the Antonia. Extremely light corner wear and minimal marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG+) £5.99
Antonio Delfino 721803 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company art card featuring the Antonio Delfino. Postally used in Hamburg in 1924. Light corner and edge wear and a little light surface marking, mainly around the edges of the card. Light surface impression from postal cancellation top left. The reverse has age tanning and light marking. (VG-) £9.49
Antonio Delfino 600231 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company art card featuring the Antonio Delfino off Boulogne-Sur-Mer. Art is by Robert Schmidt Hamburg. Postally used in 1926 and printed on quite thin card. Clean to the front with a little corner and edge wear. Surface indentations top left from postal cancellations. Very light crinkle on the ship’s hull amidships. Light surface marking to the reverse. (VG-) £7.99
Antonio Delfino 801303 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company art card featuring the Antonio Delfino, with art by Robert Schmidt Hamburg. Card is produced by Hintzer & Wulf of Hamburg. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Light ageing / marking to the reverse. (VG+) £10.99
Antonio Delfino 1009446 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company sepia photo postcard featuring the Antonio Delfino. Very light corner wear. A few very light surface marks to the front. Very light album corner impressions. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Antonio Delfino 797201 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company art card featuring the Antonio Delfino. Very light corner and edge wear and clean to the front. A tiny surface crinkle near the flag at the stern of the vessel. Light ageing to the reverse and a little light marking. (VG) £8.99
Antonio Delfino 600234 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company menu postcard from the Antonio Delfino and dated 19th December 1924 for 3rd class passengers. A little light corner and edge wear. A light surface indentation line / crinkle top edge, left and a tiny edge crinkle bottom edge centre. A little light surface marking / ageing to both sides of the card. (VG) £9.49
Antonio Delfino 6002198 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A photo postcard featuring the Antonio Delfino. In nice clean condition to the front. Clean to the reverse. (EX-) £5.99
Antonio Delfino 6002197 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A sepia toned company photo postcard featuring the Antonio Delfino. Minimal corner wear and extremely light album corner indentations. Clean to the front. Small mark to the reverse, otherwise clean. (VG) £5.99
Antonio Delfino 6002201 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company printed postcard featuring the Antonio Delfino. Light album corner marks and very light corner wear with a little knock to the bottom left corner tip. A little light surface marking. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Antonio Delfino 1091702 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company printed art postcard featuring the Antonio Delfino in Hamburg Harbour. Some light diagonal shadow lines in the printing to the front of the card (printing issue). A little light corner and edge wear, mainly bottom left corner. Extremely light album corner impressions. Very light surface bend with extremely light surface crinkle to the top right corner. Some marking and light blue toning to the reverse. (VG-) £6.99
Antonio Delfino 976815 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A sepia printed postcard featuring the Antonio Delfino. Very light corner and edge wear and clean to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG+) £4.99
Antonio Delfino 712006 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company art card featuring the Antonio Delfino. Art is by Robert Schmidt Hamburg and the card is by Hintzer & Wulf. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Album corner impressions. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG+) £9.99
Antonio Delfino 6002196 Antonio Delfino Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A company sepia printed postcard featuring the Antonio Delfino. A little corner and edge wear with some very light surface crinkles to the top right and top left corners. Extremely light marking to the front and reverse. Size approx 5.8" x 4.1". (VG-) £3.99
Antonio Delfino / Cap Norte 1009441 Antonio Delfino / Cap Norte Hamburg - Sudamerika (H.S.D.G.) A sepia printed company postcard featuring the Antonio Delfino and also mentioning her sistership Cap Norte. Light corner and edge wear with a tiny knock to the bottom left corner tip. Clean to the front except for a couple of tiny surface scuff marks to the bottom right in the sea area. Clean to the reverse. Size approx 5.9" x 4.2". (VG) £4.49
Antony 179918 Antony Booth Line A lovely early Universal Postal Union company art card of the Antony with art by Charles Dixon. In nice clean condition with a little light corner and edge wear. (VG+) SOLD!
Antony 6650386 Antony Booth Line A company art card featuring the Antony. Art is by Odin Rosenvinge. Light corner and edge wear and the top edge is slightly uneven (maybe slightly trimmed - but card is usual size??). A very light surface bend to the top left corner tip. A little light surface marking. Extremely light marking to the reverse. (VG) £9.99
Antony 1277202 Antony Booth Line A company printed art postcard featuring the Antony. Art is by Odin Rosenvinge. She was built in 1907 and torpedoed in 1917. Very light corner and edge wear with a small rub and a light surface bend / crinkle to the top right corner tip. Very light album corner marks / impressions. A couple of tiny spots to the front, otherwise extremely light marking to the front. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) SOLD!
Antrim 1186603 Antrim Avenue Shipping Co. A company printed photo card featuring the Antrim. She was built in 1962 and passed to P&O ownership in 1972. Very light corner wear with a tiny dink to the top right corner tip and some rubbing down the right edge near the bottom right corner. Very light marking to the front. A light surface bend near the stern of the vessel with a tiny surface crinkle. A couple of small marks to the reverse. (VG) £2.49
Antrim 885101 Antrim Midland Railway Company A colour printed company postcard featuring the Antrim. Very light corner wear, mainly bottom right corner tip. Light album corner indentations. Clean to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £8.99
Antrim 1202213 Antrim Midland Railway Company An early photo postcard by T. Turner, Skipton, featuring a fine view of the steamer Antrim, of 1904, underway at Heysham. Extremely light corner wear and extremely light album corner impressions. Extremely light marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing with a little light blue tinting (from the printing process) to the reverse. (VG+) £5.99
Antrim Coast 445615 Antrim Coast Coast Lines A photo postcard by Feilden of Liverpool featuring the Antrim Coast. In nice clean condition. Neat penned notes to the reverse. (VG+) £5.49
Antrim Princess 11628147 Antrim Princess British Railways A colour photo postcard by D. & H. Ltd., Scotland, featuring the ferry Antrim Princess of 1967. Extremely light corner wear. Clean to the front. Minimal marking to the reverse. (EX-) £2.99
Antwerpen IV 606912 Antwerpen IV S.A. Enterprises Ackermans & Van Haaren, Antwerp. A photo postcard featuring the dredger Antwerpen IV of 1967. Card is produced by her builders with builders logo stamped to the reverse. In nice clean condition to the front with very light corner wear. Clean to the reverse with builders logo stamped. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG+) £3.49
Anzoategui 1232002 Anzoategui Compania Anonima Venezolana de Navegacion, Caracas A company photo postcard featuring the Anzoategui of 1955. Company houseflag printed to the reverse in colour. Very light corner and edge wear and light album corner marks / impressions. A little light surface spotting to the front, only visible when viewed across the light. Light marking / ageing to the reverse with a couple of tiny foxing spots. (VG) £3.99
Aoba, Kinugasa 1227604 Aoba, Kinugasa Naval A sepia printed postcard from a series issued in the 1930's featuring ships of the Japanese navy. This one showing one of the heavy cruisers Aoba (1927-1945) or Kinugasa (1927-1942). Very light corner wear. Extremely light surface marking to the front. A little marking / ageing / spotting to the reverse. (VG+/VG) SOLD!
Aorangi 1108201 Aorangi Union Steamship Co of New Zealand A photo postcard by Gowen Sutton Co of Vancouver featuring the Aorangi. A little corner and edge wear with a light bend down the right edge at the top, with some tiny surface crinkling. the tiny white writing under the ship name to the front seems to have been added to the card at some point. Otherwise very light marking to the front with a very light surface bend just below the 2nd funnel. Neatly inked notes to the reverse, otherwise light marking / ageing. (VG) £4.49
Apache 449920 Apache Skibs A/S Abu, Oslo A photo postcard featuring the Apache, build 1944 as the T2 tanker Rogue River in the USA, she was converted in 1960 to the bulk carrier Apache as depicted on the postcard. In nice clean condition with very light corner and edge wear. A few very light surface bends, indentations. Size approx 6" x 4".(VG+) £3.99
Apapa 265703 Apapa Elder Dempster A nice real photo postcard of the Apapa of 1948 at Liverpool. In lovely clean condition but with album corner indentations. Small annotation to reverse. (VG+) £3.99
Apapa 745309 Apapa Elder Dempster A photo postcard, probably by Feilden of Liverpool, but not marked as such, featuring the Apapa. Very light corner wear and light album corner marks. A little light surface marking. Light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £5.99
Apapa 1191501 Apapa Elder Dempster A photo postcard by Feilden of Liverpool, featuring the Apapa. Extremely light corner wear and clean to the front. Extremely light marking to the reverse. (EX) £4.49
Apapa / Accra 201409 Apapa / Accra Elder Dempster A company sepia art card featuring the Apapa / Accra with art by Hamilton. Extremely light marking to the front and light corner wear. A very light bend to the bottom right corner tip. Minimal marking to the reverse. (VG) £5.99
Apollo 7701398 Apollo Bristol Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. A Skyfotos photo postcard featuring the Apollo. In clean condition to the front with very light corner wear. Extremely light surface bend / crinkle top left. Very light marking to the reverse with collector's name and address stamped to the reverse. (VG) £3.49
Apollo / Apollon 1274542 Apollo / Apollon Direct Cruises A company printed printed photo postcard featuring a fine view of the Apollo / Apollon. She was built in 1961 as the Empress of Canada for Canadian Pacific, later becoming Carnival's first ship Mardi Gras. She was sold to Epirotiki in 1993 and sailed under several names for them. In 1999 - 2000 as the Apollon she was chartered to Direct Cruises for a series of UK based cruises. She was marketed by Direct Cruises as the Apollo, though I believe she officially remained as the Apollon. (Her bridge name board on the postcard shows the name Apollon). Extremely light corner wear. Clean to the front and reverse. Postcard is large size format at 6.9" x 5" (176mm x 125mm). (EX) SOLD!
Apollonia 365701 Apollonia Hellenic Mediterranean Lines A company photo postcard of the Apollonia. In clean condition with a little light corner and edge wear, mainly top right edge and corner. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG+) £3.49
Apollonia 772414 Apollonia Hellenic Mediterranean Lines A company photo postcard featuring the Apollonia at Venice. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Clean to the reverse, apart from a couple of extremely light foxing spots. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG+) £3.99
Appam 431622 Appam Elder Dempster A photo postcard by Feilden of Liverpool, featuring the Appam. In clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Light album corner indentations. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) £5.99
Appam 1053502 Appam Elder Dempster A company art card featuring the appam. Art is by Odin Rosenvinge. Very light corner and edge wear. An extremely light surface bend to the top left corner with very light surface crinkle to the front only. Extremely light marking to the front with a little light surface marking. Extremely light marking to the reverse. (VG) £9.49
Appam 1125208 Appam Elder Dempster A photo postcard by H.N. Cooper of Liverpool, featuring the Appam. Extremely light corner wear and extremely light album corner marks. Minimal marking to the front (note the small specks in the sky are a flock of birds in the photo!). Extremely light marking to the reverse. (VG+) £5.99
Appam 1140803 Appam Elder Dempster A photo postcard featuring the Appam. Very light corner and edge wear. Extremely light marking to the front with a small surface indentation on the foremast by the smoke from the funnel. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £4.49
Appam 1227510 Appam Elder Dempster A photo postcard by Feilden of Liverpool featuring a nice close up view of the Appam of 1913. Extremely light corner and edge wear. Very light album corner marks, otherwise extremely light marking to the front with a couple of tiny surface indentations. Typed and inked notes about the vessel to the reverse. Otherwise light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £5.49
Appia 1759139 Appia Adriatica - Societa Di Navigazione - Venezia A company colour photo postcard of the car ferry Appia. In lovely clean condition. Light marks at corners from album mounts. Size approx. 5.75" x 4". (EX-) £3.99
Appia 457256 Appia Adriatica - Societa Di Navigazione - Venezia A company art card featuring the ferry Appia. Art is by Klodic. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Reverse is clean. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £5.99
Appia 645859 Appia Adriatica - Societa Di Navigazione - Venezia A company photo postcard featuring the ferry Appia. Amsterdam agent's cachet to the reverse. In clean condition to the front with light corner and edge wear. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. Size approx 5.75" x 4". (VG) £2.99
Aquarius 768507 Aquarius Hellenic Mediterranean Lines A company colour photo postcard featuring the Aquarius. In nice clean condition to the front, with minimal corner wear. Minimal marking to the reverse. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £3.99
Aquileja / Genova 1237303 Aquileja / Genova Marittima Italiana A sepia printed postcard featuring the Aquileja / Genova from the Genova to Bombay service. The Aquileja (or Aquileia) was built in 1915 as the Lloyd Austriaco vessel Innsbruck. She served Marittima Italiana from 1924 to 1931. The Genova was also built in 1915 for Lloyd Austriaco as the Hungaria. She served Marittima Italiana from 1924 to 1931. Minimal corner and edge wear and minimal marking to the front. Collectors cachet to the reverse, Otherwise extremely light marking / ageing. (VG+/VG) SOLD!
Aquilone 1162010 Aquilone Naval A sepia printed postcard by G. Rimini of Taranto featuring a view of the bridge at the entrance to the harbour swung open and the destroyer Aquilone of 1927 passing through. Light corner wear. Very light marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse with a couple of light foxing marks. Size approx 6" x 4.1". (VG) £2.99
Aquitania 225501 Aquitania Cunard Line A lovely Cunard art card showing the Aquitania "as a leader of transports" in war time with destroyer escorts. One of the scarcer Cunard cards. In clean condition with very light corner wear and very light album corner indentations. Annotation to reverse in stamp box. (VG+) RESERVED!
Aquitania 1030201 Aquitania Cunard Line A photo postcard by G.A. Pratt of Southampton, featuring a fine view of the Aquitania. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner and edge wear. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG+) £6.99
Aquitania 417104 Aquitania Cunard Line A real photo postcard featuring the Aquitania. In clean condition with light corner and edge wear and light album corner indentations. Light bend to left edge centre. (VG) £4.99
Aquitania 523503 Aquitania Cunard Line A Salmon Series art card featuring the Aquitania with art by John H. Fry. Clean to the front with light corner and edge wear. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Aquitania 439633 Aquitania Cunard Line A company art card showing the Aquitania. In clean condition with extremely light album corner indentations. (VG+) £4.99
Aquitania 481302 Aquitania Cunard Line A company art card featuring the Aquitania with art by James S. Mann. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Extremely light album corner indentations. Light marking / foxing marking to the reverse. (VG) £6.99
Aquitania 6650477 Aquitania Cunard Line A company art card featuring the Aquitania. In clean condition to the front with very light corner wear and very light album corner marks. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) £6.49
Aquitania 838303 Aquitania Cunard Line A sepia printed company art card featuring the Aquitania at Liverpool. In clean condition to the front with very light corner wear. Light marking to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Aquitania 764422 Aquitania Cunard Line A Dutch glossy photo type postcard featuring a view of the Aquitania. Very light corner and edge wear and very light album corner indentations. Clean with a little very light surface marking to the front. Very light marking to the reverse except for a residue mark near the right edge, centre. (VG) £3.99
Aquitania 944902 Aquitania Cunard Line A Velentine's Series colour printed postcard featuring the Aquitania. Very light corner and edge wear and light album corner indentations. Clean to the front but with some surface spotting (only visible when viewed across the light) and a little light surface marking. A tiny surface crinkle on the bottom edge, left. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £5.99
Aquitania 1251901 Aquitania Cunard Line A gloss finish photo postcard by F.G.O. Stuart, No. 2135, featuring the Aquitania. Extremely light corner wear. Extremely light marking to the front with a couple of extremely light surface marks on the bottom edge, left. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG+/VG) £4.99
Aquitania 422401 Aquitania Cunard Line A real photo postcard featuring the Aquitania. Extremely light corner wear. Clean to the front with a couple of tiny surface indentation dots. Extremely light marking to the reverse. (VG+) £4.99
Aquitania 903607 Aquitania Cunard Line A photo postcard featuring ther Aquitania. Inked message written the the whole of the reverse, dated 1922 and written in Southampton in French. A little corner and edge wear. A knock to the bottom right corner with some surface crinkling at the corner and up the right edge. A few light surface marks / indentations. A little marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG-) £5.49
Aquitania 645551 Aquitania Cunard Line A company sepia printed postcard featuring the Aquitania. A little light corner and edge wear and a light surface indentation on the bottom left corner tip. Very light album corner indentations. Light surface marking to the front and a small mark on the bottom left corner tip. Light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
Aquitania 965921 Aquitania Cunard Line A photo postcard by Hoffman of Southampton, featuring the Aquitania. In clean condition to the front with very light corner and edge wear. A tiny surface bend to the top right corner tip. A very light surface impression top left. Light marking and some age toning to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Aquitania 970007 Aquitania Cunard Line A gloss finish photo postcard featuring a nice view of the Aquitania. Card is by F.G.O. Stuart of Southampton. In nice clean condition to the front with very light corner and edge wear. Light marking / ageing to the reverse with a couple of small foxing spots. (VG+/VG) £6.99
Aquitania 645547 Aquitania Cunard Line A sepia printed postcard featuring the Aquitania. Very light corner wear. A little very light surface marking to the front. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £3.49
Aquitania 1244304 Aquitania Cunard Line A company printed art postcard featuring the Aquitania. Lovely art is by Odin Rosenvinge. Extremely light corner wear. Minimal marking to the front. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse. (EX-) £6.99
Aquitania 1280201 Aquitania Cunard Line A company art postcard featuring the Aquitania. Very light corner and edge wear. Very light marking to the front. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) RESERVED!
Aquitania 1098903 Aquitania Cunard Line A lovely colour printed postcard from the series depicting the launch of the Aquitania. This one entitled "Cunard Liner Aquitania Afloat". Minimal corner wear. A tiny dink to the bottom edge, left. In nice clean condition to the front. Very light marking to the reverse with some very light foxing dotting / marking. (VG+/VG) £10.99
Aquitania 1266611 Aquitania Cunard Line A Tuck's Celebrated Liners (No 8690) art postcard featuring the Aquitania. Extremely light corner wear. Minimal album corner marks. Otherwise extremely light marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG+) SOLD!
Aquitania 1263606 Aquitania Cunard Line A Tuck's Celebrated Liners (No 8690) art postcard featuring the Aquitania. Light corner and edge wear. A few extremely light surface line marks, otherwise very light marking to the front. A little marking / ageing to the reverse with some light foxing dotting. (VG) £5.99
Aquitania 1144303 Aquitania Cunard Line A company art postcard featuring the Aquitania leaving New York. Art is by Odin Rosenvinge. Very light corner and edge wear with a little light rubbing on the top right corner tip. Very light album corner impressions. Very light marking to the front. A little light marking / ageing to the reverse with extensive, but light foxing marking to the reverse. (VG) £6.99
Aquitania 1151406 Aquitania Cunard Line A company art postcard featuring the Aquitania. Art is by C.E. Turner. Very light corner and edge wear. Very light marking to the front with some foxing dots in the top quarter of the card. Otherwise very light marking to the front. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG-/VG) £6.49
Aquitania 1151401 Aquitania Cunard Line A colour printed company postcard from the series featuring the launch of the Aquitania at the John Brown Shipyard, Clydebank in April 1913. This one showing her leaving the ways - entering water. In lovely clean condition to the front with extremely light corner wear. Extremely light marking to the reverse. (EX-/VG+) £10.99
Aquitania 1151402 Aquitania Cunard Line A colour printed company postcard from the series featuring the launch of the Aquitania at the John Brown Shipyard, Clydebank in April 1913. This one showing her leaving the ways - entering water. In nice clean condition to the front with extremely light corner wear. Extremely light marking to the reverse with a couple of tiny foxing dots. (VG+) £10.99
Aquitania 1158703 Aquitania Cunard Line A company printed art postcard featuring the Aquitania leaving Southampton. Art is by Walter Thomas. Very light corner and edge wear. Extremely light marking to the front. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) £8.99
Aquitania 1264101 Aquitania Cunard Line A company printed postcard featuring the Aquitania in dazzle camouflage - In war time as a transport escorted by destroyers. Very light corner and edge wear. Extremely light album corner marks. Some light surface foxing marks on the top half of the card in the sky area - mostly only visible when viewed across the light. Otherwise very light marking to the front. Some foxing spotting and light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG/VG-) SOLD!
Aquitania 1248701 Aquitania Cunard Line A company art postcard featuring the Aquitania as a leader of transports in a convoy. Very light corner wear and very light album corner impressions. Very light surface marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse with some very light foxing marks. (VG) SOLD!
Aquitania 1193705 Aquitania Cunard Line A Tuck's Celebrated Liners (No 8690) colour postcard featuring the Aquitania at New York. Minimal marking to the front with very light corner wear. A little light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) SOLD!
Aquitania 1200401 Aquitania Cunard Line A company printed art postcard featuring the Aquitania. Art is by C.E. Turner. Very light corner and edge wear. A little very light surface foxing spotting near the top and left edges of the card, mostly only visible when viewed across the light. A little marking / ageing to the reverse with a couple of foxing dots near the top edge. (VG) £6.99
Aquitania 1207402 Aquitania Cunard Line A company printed art postcard featuring the Aquitania leaving New York. Art is by Odin Rosenvinge. Very light corner and edge wear. Very light album corner marks / impressions. Otherwise very light marking to the front with a small spot in the white margin bottom left. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £6.49
Aquitania (HMHS) 931102 Aquitania (HMHS) Cunard Line A photo postcard featuring the Aquitania as a hospital ship. Slightly smaller than standard size, but I don't think it has been trimmed. Clean to the front with very light corner and edge wear. Some inked and pencilled notes to the reverse, some of which has been crossed out, otherwise a little age toning and light marking. Size approx 5.25" x 3.1" (VG) SOLD!
Aquitania (HMHS) 1228202 Aquitania (HMHS) Cunard Line A sepia printed postcard featuring the Aquitania as a hospital ship. Inked message to the reverse about a voyage from the Dardanelles in 1915 / 1916. Light corner and edge wear. Album corner marks / impressions. Light postal ink(?) marks top right , otherwise light marking to the front. A little light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) SOLD!
Aquitania, Adriatic, Berengaria, Mauretania 1131801 Aquitania, Adriatic, Berengaria, Mauretania Various A sepia printed postcard featuring a view of the White Star Dock, Southampton, with (from the right to left) Aquitania, Adriatic, Berengaria and Mauretania. Extremely light corner wear and extremely light marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing with some tiny foxing dots to the reverse. (VG) £5.99
ARA San Martin 1010521 ARA San Martin Naval A colour printed postcard by Fumagalli, Buenos Aires. featuring the armoured cruiser ARA San Martin of 1896 (printed as General San Martin on the card). Postally used in 1908, Argentina to England. Some corner and edge wear and very light album corner indentations. Light impression from postal stamps top left. A little light marking to the front. Light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG-) £5.99
Arabia 1275201 Arabia P&O A Tuck's Celebrated Liners (No. 9112) art postcard featuring the Arabia. Extremely light corner wear. Very light album corner marks / impressions. Otherwise extremely light marking to the front. Extremely light marking to the reverse. (VG+) £5.99
Arabia 1249221 Arabia P&O A Tuck's Celebrated Liners art postcard, number 9112 featuring the Arabia. Very light corner and edge wear. A couple of tiny surface crinkles on the bottom right corner tip. Very light album corner marks / impressions. A few extremely light foxing dots to the front, otherwise very light marking. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse with a foxing type mark near the bottom of the right edge. (VG) £4.49
Arabia 1034906 Arabia P&O A Tuck's Celebrated Liners colour art card featuring the Arabia. Postally used in 1906. Light corner and edge wear and very light album corner impressions. A tiny surface crinkle near the bottom left corner. Very light impression from postal cancellation. A couple of very light surface marks to the front. Light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) SOLD!
Arabia 1244401 Arabia P&O A company printed art postcard featuring the Arabia leaving Marseilles. Art is by Wyllie. Very light corner and edge wear. Very light album corner marks / impressions. A little very light marking to the front with a few light foxing dots. Age toning, a little marking and some foxing marking to the reverse. (VG/VG-) SOLD!
Arabia 1125703 Arabia P&O A Kingsway Real Photo postcard featuring the Arabia. Postally used in 1913. A little light corner and edge wear. Album corner marks / indentations. A couple of extremely light surface bends / undulations, mainly on the bottom half of the card and a couple of light surface impressions. Impression from postal cancellation top left. A little light surface marking to the front. A little light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG-) £4.49
Arabia 1129601 Arabia P&O An early, undivided back, litho printed postcard by Andrew Reid of Newcastle, featuring the Arabia. Some corner rounding and edge wear. Quite extensive foxing spotting and a little grubby with ageing to the front and reverse. (G) £6.99
Arabia 1133702 Arabia P&O An early, undivided back, company litho printed postcard by Andrew Reid of Newcastle, featuring the Arabia. Postally used in 1909 at Marseilles with a Paquebot cancellation, by a passenger on board. Light corner and edge wear. Some foxing marking and age toning to the front with a few other light marks. More extensive age toning and foxing marking to the reverse. (VG-) £9.99
Arabia Maru 797612 Arabia Maru Osaka Shosen Kaisha (OSK Line), Japan A colourful company art card featuring the Arabia Maru, with art by Ohkubo. Light corner and edge wear. A little light foxing spotting to the surface of the card to the front, but only visible when viewed across the light. A little marking and foxing type marks to the reverse. (VG) £10.49
Arabian Senator 581511 Arabian Senator Conti Reederei A company photo postcard featuring the Arabian Senator on builders trials in July 1990. In clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Clean to the reverse. Size approx 5.75" x 4". (VG+) £2.99
Arabian Senator 589810 Arabian Senator Conti Reederei A company photo postcard featuring the containership Arabian Senator. The photo shows her in the English Channel in September 1992. In clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Clean to the reverse. Size approx 5.8" x 4.1". (EX-) £3.49
Arabic 1014305 Arabic Red Star Line A company art card featuring the Arabic with art by Charles Dixon. Extremely light corner wear. A few light foxing marks in the sky area, mainly top right and near the left edge. A little marking and light ageing to the the reverse. (VG) £6.49
Arabic 1244003 Arabic White Star Line A Peacock Series postcard from the Pictorial Stationery Co of London, featuring the Arabic. Extremely light corner wear. Album corner impressions. Extremely light marking to the front. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG+) SOLD!
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