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Below are the results of your search for postcards associated with 'Soc de Chemin de Fer du Nord'.

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A total of 1 postcard(s) were found for 'Soc de Chemin de Fer du Nord'.

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Postcard Image Cat No. Ship Name Description Price GBP
Nord / Pas-de-Calais 1246404 Nord / Pas-de-Calais A company printed black & white advertising art postcard, featuring one of the sister paddle steamers Nord or Pas-de-Calais. Art is by Sandy Hook. They were built in 1898. The Nor was wrecked in 1923 and the Pas-de-Calais was broken up in the same year. To the reverse is a printed standard message from the complaints department of the company! the card is postally used in 1924 in France (the year after the ships ender their service with the company!). A little corner and edge wear with a edge tear to the top edge, centre which has been repaired with glue, leaving glue marks along the surface on the top edge front and reverse. Very light impression from the postage stamp top left with a little very light postal ink marking to the front. Otherwise a little marking to the front. Age toning and a little marking to the reverse with glue marks on the top edge. (G+) £5.49


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